A big hello to anyone who might be happening to chance by – maybe you’re someone I know already, in which case hello you. I’ve been doodling in the margins, and hiding in the margins, for too long. Now I’m jumping out from there and showing and sharing, and it feels liberating.
I think initially I was going for the purely pictures no blather approach – but look how long that’s lasted. As usual, I’m shy to start with but once I relax a bit, there’ll be no stopping me rambling on. All the same, I want to keep my conversing broadly to a visual arts zone, or centred around notions of creativity. This might drift into musical realms at times, because I’m just as much into making and listening to music, and sometimes I feel the drawings, the music, the words, they’re all sort of interwoven.
Anyway, to keep a short story shorter, this blog is firstly me doing art, secondly me thinking art, thirdly anything else that seems good at the time. Now I’m going away to finish drawing “The Poshest Parabola” (I’m fibbing, there’s no such doodle – I’m off to make the most wonderful cup of tea ever). On with the pictorials.