Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Some prankster always switches to zero-gravity during the annual Astronaut & Cosmonaut Reunion Party.

illusTrailMy bid for this week's Illustration Friday challenge which is FLOAT. Incidentally, drawing drinkers floating in space has never been done better than Herge in Explorers on the Moon, where Captain Haddock tussles with a floating ball of whiskey. I'm sure the guy on the left losing his bottle is based on my memory of that famous Tintin episode..



Blogger Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Herge indeed has that unique touch for the comic. With a cast of characters like Captain Haddock, Professor Calculus, the Thompson Twins, and more... Hahahaha. A great homage you got there.

2:29 am  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Your figures are well spaced and I think they are drinking from Glassglass. They look like paper on a blackboard where the stars have been smudged by a naughty student. I like the cosmonaughties with faces the best ... the others might be Aliens.

7:07 am  
Blogger Johnnynorms said...

Yes, I have to be upfront about the homage Chuang, or you might accuse me of plagiarism! Can't escape it though, Tintin and Asterix especially are in my blood.

Ho ho, well spaced indeed Anonymous! But what is Glassglass - indestructible for when the lever's switched again? Those might be aliens, or they might have televisions for heads - either way, they're not being very sociable!

8:35 am  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Glassglass is better to drink from than Tintin although destructible whichever way the switch is switched. They ARE Aliens!

9:04 am  
Blogger Johnnynorms said...

Astronauts, aliens? Whatever, they are very rude gatecrashers taking over the drink. Perhaps they are American spies trying to find out who designed the USSR rockets.

9:20 am  
Blogger Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Heheheh. Hey, I grew up with Tintin and Asterix! Wondrous stuff!

9:47 am  
Blogger Cara Carmina said...

he he he.... quite funny!!! I like the idea!


3:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just hope they can all hold their booze! otherwise would make for very unpleasant space travel ;D
it's an interesting look, can't quite put my finger on it.

9:11 am  

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