Friday, September 01, 2006

Illustration Friday: RUN

Hff, Huff, Wait! Last minute illo!
This is inspired by the following bit of writing:
As he stared through the open window and watched each span of telegraph-wires sink slowly down till the next telegraph-post pulled them upward with a jerk, he indulged himself in a sensation of imagining himself to be a prehistoric giant who, with an effortless ease, ran along by the side of the train, leaping over hedges, ditches, lanes, and ponds, and easily rivalled, in natural-born silent speed, the noisy mechanism of all those pistons and cog-wheels!
from Wolf Solent, by John Cowper Powys, first published 1929

A beautiful novel which I haven't read yet, but started again while walking in Kentish countryside recently.
Illustration Friday



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are the bus stops?

R x

2:26 pm  
Blogger Johnnynorms said...

Scarecrow, Woo Hoo hits the nail on the head. Ta!

Rachy, the bus stops got flattened by the express. This is much more fun than someone running to catch a bus I think you'll agree!

4:01 pm  

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