Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Arable Horn

strange trail



Blogger steve said...

Nice--this has a sort of woodcut feel to it--like a nice print. I like the hole with the red in there. How'd you do that? I also think of an old record player when i look at this as well.

10:55 pm  
Blogger Ian russell said...

hole punch hole? it's a 3D-doodle!

11:37 pm  
Blogger Johnnynorms said...

Steve - really pleased you said old record player cos I saw that too - they're called bull horns aren't they, I think? The red is cellophane (from a toffee!)

and, yes

Ian - spot on, this is my new way of enhancing a hole punch hole. I'm calling these little gems collecively 'From the Margins' which is literal, (maybe suggesting Outsider art too). Previously the holes were a nuisance, these days I deliberately involve them...

9:36 am  
Blogger Ian russell said...


have you ever considered sculptural doodling? i don't know why that popped into my head - but we do it from time to time don't we? i mean, paper clips and plastic cups, buttons, common desk detritus... pile it up and poke holes in stuff with pencil points.

a new movement in doodling?

9:48 am  
Blogger Johnnynorms said...

I'll try anything Ian - us Doodlists can't rule much out.
Do you know of Kurt Schwitters - may be along the lines of his assembling junk? He turned whole rooms into junk sculpture installations...I'd better ask Rachel if she minds!

10:44 am  

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