Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Mad Cow

Illustration Friday: Sacrifice
Well...who is sacrificing what for whom and why is quite elusive...there's a story in this somewhere, and maybe somebody out there knows it, but I was just the humble doodler here, transcribing impromptu images. Old composition, new digital colouring.

nature trail



Blogger CRISTOSOVA said...

What I can read is the story of the never learning human - and of a single fish that pooped into the water.

9:04 am  
Blogger carla said...

I think the cow is tired of being sacrificed to be turned into hamburgers...but that's just my interpretation. Great drawing!

1:58 pm  
Blogger Andrea said...

One of my all time favorites of yours. Really great!

7:23 pm  
Blogger Johnnynorms said...

Thankee v. much Big A!

Carla it is to my chagrin that I remain a meat-eater, more pig and less cow, but still the meat...

Cristo, the human may be about to learn that this cow is sad, mad and seriously thinking about going on the rampage! Either that or just swig the poison.

1:45 pm  

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